Konventionelle Fahrräder: Marktdaten & -analyse

Market Insights Report

Konventionelle Fahrräder: Marktdaten & -analyse

Regular bicycles continue to stand as a time-tested and enduring mode of travel that is eco-friendly, efficient, and healthy. In 2023, unit sales of bicycles exceeded 90 million. We forecast that revenues will reach a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 2.8% between 2015 and 2029.

What's included?

  • Market overview and key facts
  • Performance analysis and comparison by regions
  • Comparison of regular bicycles sales and revenue by regions
  • Comparison of market growth and average prices


Regular bicycles offer a versatile and eco-friendly means of transportation. The simplicity and sustainability of these bicycles make them an unparalleled choice for individuals seeking an active and environmentally conscious lifestyle. They are powered by mere human strength without any electrically powered motors.

The report covers the Regular Bicycles market which includes the number of regular bicycles sold, the average price paid per bicycle, revenue, and revenue growth in different regions around the world.

The Regular Bicycles market covers all types of bicycles including road and racing bicycles, off-road bicycles, and special purpose bicycles. However, motorcycles, scooters, mopeds, secondhand bicycles, electric bicycles, as well as bikes purchased by bike-sharing services are not included. In 2023, over 47% of the bicycles sold in Germany were regular bicycles showing its prominence.

We forecast that unit sales in the Bicycles market will reach a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of -0.6% between 2015 and 2029.

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