Unsere Quellendatenbank
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- The Danish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (Lif)The Danish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry (Lif)
- The Danish Booksellers AssociationThe Danish Booksellers Association
- The Danish Cancer SocietyThe Danish Cancer Society
Kræftens Bekæmpelse
- The Danish Employers’ Association for the Financial SectorThe Danish Employers’ Association for the Financial Sector
Finanssektorens Arbejdsgiverforening (FA)
- The Danish Evaluation InstituteThe Danish Evaluation Institute
Danmarks Evalueringsinstitut (EVA)
- The Danish Football AssociationThe Danish Football Association
Dansk Boldspil-Union
- The Danish Gambling AuthorityThe Danish Gambling Authority
- The Danish Institute for Sports Studies/the Danish Institute for Non-Formal EducationThe Danish Institute for Sports Studies/the Danish Institute for Non-Formal Education
The Danish Institute for Sports Studies/the Danish Institute for Non-Formal Education
- The Danish Medicines AgencyThe Danish Medicines Agency
- The Danish National BibliographyThe Danish National Bibliography
The Royal Library
- The Danish National Union of Upper Secondary School TeachersThe Danish National Union of Upper Secondary School Teachers
Gymnasieskolernes Lærerforening (GL)
- The Danish ParliamentThe Danish Parliament
- The Danish Society of EngineersThe Danish Society of Engineers
- The Danish Think Tank – Libraries of the FutureThe Danish Think Tank – Libraries of the Future
Tænketanken Fremtidens Biblioteker
- The Data Appeal CompanyThe Data Appeal Company
The Data Appeal Company S.p.A.
- The DataFaceThe DataFace
The DataFace LLC
- The Delta GroupThe Delta Group
The Delta Group
- The Demand InstituteThe Demand Institute
The Conference Board, Inc.; Nielsen N.V.
- The Demographic and Health Surveys ProgramThe Demographic and Health Surveys Program
The Demographic and Health Surveys Program
- The Denver PostThe Denver Post
Digital First Media
- The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (Northern Ireland)The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (Northern Ireland)
The Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (Northern Ireland)
- The Depository Trust & Clearing CorporationThe Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation
The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation
- The Detroit NewsThe Detroit News
Digital First Media
- The Diffusion GroupThe Diffusion Group
The Diffusion Group, Inc.
- The Digital EdgeThe Digital Edge
The Digital Edge