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- Korea Institute for Health and Social AffairsKorea Institute for Health and Social Affairs
Government of South Korea
- Korea Institute for Industrial Economics and TradeKorea Institute for Industrial Economics and Trade
Government of South Korea
- Korea Institute for International Economic PolicyKorea Institute for International Economic Policy
Korea Institute for International Economic Policy
- Korea Institute for National UnificationKorea Institute for National Unification
National Research Council of Economics
- Korea Institute for Robot Industry AdvancementKorea Institute for Robot Industry Advancement
Government of South Korea
- Korea Institute of Aviation Safety TechnologyKorea Institute of Aviation Safety Technology
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
- Korea Institute of Child Care and EducationKorea Institute of Child Care and Education
Government of South Korea
- Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building TechnologyKorea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology
National Research Council of Science & Technology
- Korea Institute of Design PromotionKorea Institute of Design Promotion
Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE)
- Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and PlanningKorea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning
MOTIE (South Korea)
- Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral ResourcesKorea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
Ministry of Science and ICT
- Korea Institute of Industrial TechnologyKorea Institute of Industrial Technology
Government of South Korea
- Korea Institute of Oriental MedicineKorea Institute of Oriental Medicine
Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine
- Korea Institute of Public AdministrationKorea Institute of Public Administration
Korea Institute of Public Administration
- Korea Institute of Public FinanceKorea Institute of Public Finance
Government of South Korea
- Korea Institute of Science and TechnologyKorea Institute of Science and Technology
Government of South Korea
- Korea Institute of Science and Technology InformationKorea Institute of Science and Technology Information
Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information
- Korea Institute of Sport ScienceKorea Institute of Sport Science
Government of South Korea
- Korea Institute of Startup & Entrepreneurship DevelopmentKorea Institute of Startup & Entrepreneurship Development
Korea Institute of Startup & Entrepreneurship Development
- Korea Insurance Development InstituteKorea Insurance Development Institute
Korea Insurance Development Institute
- Korea Insurance Research InstituteKorea Insurance Research Institute
Korea Insurance Development Institute
- Korea Integrated Logistics AssociationKorea Integrated Logistics Association
Korea Integrated Logistics Association
- Korea Intelligent IoT AssociationKorea Intelligent IoT Association
Korea Intelligent IoT Association
- Korea International Boat ShowKorea International Boat Show
Korea International Boat Show
- Korea International Trade AssociationKorea International Trade Association
Korea International Trade Association