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Fintech sector users Thailand 2017-2027

Number of users in the FinTech sector in Thailand from 2017 to 2027

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

The Ride-hailing & Taxi market includes all online and offline booking channels that connect passengers and drivers. This includes traditional taxi services that can be booked by phone, Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) that offer rides in private vehicles, as well as Ride Pooling services. The passenger requests a ride and will then be matched with a driver. Examples for TNCs are Uber and Lyft that match passengers with drivers and charge a commission for this service, or services such as Moia and Via that offer Ride Pooling by combining the routes of passengers. In addition, taxi companies that offer trips via an app (e.g., Free Now) are also considered in this market.

The revenue represents the entire booking volume from the respective region, regardless of start and destination. Users only represent people who have completed a booking, regardless of the number of travelers. Not included in the definition are car-sharing services that enable users to rent cars that they drive themselves (station-based or free-floating) or long-distance ride sharing services (e.g., Blablacar).

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