Veera Korhonen
Research expert covering United States data for society
Detailed statistics
Degrees earned in higher education U.S. 1950-2032
Detailed statistics
Degrees earned in higher education U.S. 1950-2032
Detailed statistics
Educational attainment in the U.S. 1960-2022
Detailed statistics
Educational attainment in the U.S. 1960-2022
Detailed statistics
Forbes ranking of the best U.S. colleges 2024, by debt and median 10-year salary
Detailed statistics
Forbes ranking of the best U.S. colleges 2024, by debt and median 10-year salary
Degrees earned in higher education U.S. 1950-2032
Number of higher education degrees earned in the United States from 1950 to 2032 (in 1,000s)
Degrees earned in higher education U.S. 1950-2032
Number of higher education degrees earned in the United States from 1950 to 2032 (in 1,000s)
U.S. - higher education institutions 2020/2021, by state
Number of higher education institutions in the United States in the academic year of 2020/21, by state
U.S. - higher education institutions 2020/2021, by state
Number of higher education institutions in the United States in the academic year of 2020/21, by state
Educational attainment in the U.S. 1960-2022
Educational attainment distribution in the United States from 1960 to 2022
Educational attainment in the U.S. 1960-2022
Educational attainment distribution in the United States from 1960 to 2022
Educational attainment in the U.S. 2022
Population of the United States in 2022, by educational attainment (in 1,000s)
Educational attainment in the U.S. 2022
Population of the United States in 2022, by educational attainment (in 1,000s)
Forbes ranking of the best U.S. colleges 2024, by debt and median 10-year salary
Forbes ranking of the best colleges in the United States in 2024, by average debt and median 10-year salary
Forbes ranking of the best U.S. colleges 2024, by debt and median 10-year salary
Forbes ranking of the best colleges in the United States in 2024, by average debt and median 10-year salary
Undergraduate enrollment in U.S. universities 2013-2024
Undergraduate enrollment in colleges and universities in the United States from 2013/14 to 2023/24 (in millions)
Undergraduate enrollment in U.S. universities 2013-2024
Undergraduate enrollment in colleges and universities in the United States from 2013/14 to 2023/24 (in millions)
Undergraduate enrollment in the U.S. 1970-2031, by gender
Undergraduate enrollment numbers in the United States from 1970 to 2031, by gender (in 1,000s)
Undergraduate enrollment in the U.S. 1970-2031, by gender
Undergraduate enrollment numbers in the United States from 1970 to 2031, by gender (in 1,000s)
Undergraduate enrollment numbers U.S. 1976-2022, by ethnicity
Number of undergraduate students enrolled in the United States from 1976 to 2022, by ethnicity (in 1,000s)
Undergraduate enrollment numbers U.S. 1976-2022, by ethnicity
Number of undergraduate students enrolled in the United States from 1976 to 2022, by ethnicity (in 1,000s)
Undergraduate enrollment in the U.S. 1970-2031, by attendance
Undergraduate enrollment numbers in the United States from 1970 to 2031, by full/part-time attendance (in 1,000s)
Undergraduate enrollment in the U.S. 1970-2031, by attendance
Undergraduate enrollment numbers in the United States from 1970 to 2031, by full/part-time attendance (in 1,000s)
College enrollment in public and private institutions in the U.S. 1965-2031
College enrollment in the United States from 1965 to 2022 and projections up to 2031 for public and private colleges (in millions)
College enrollment in public and private institutions in the U.S. 1965-2031
College enrollment in the United States from 1965 to 2022 and projections up to 2031 for public and private colleges (in millions)
Post-baccalaureate enrollment numbers U.S. 1976-2031, by gender
Number of post-baccalaureate students enrolled in the United States from 1976 to 2031, by gender (in 1,000s)
Post-baccalaureate enrollment numbers U.S. 1976-2031, by gender
Number of post-baccalaureate students enrolled in the United States from 1976 to 2031, by gender (in 1,000s)
Post-baccalaureate enrollment numbers U.S. 1976-2021, by ethnicity
Number of post-baccalaureate students enrolled in the United States from 1976 to 2021, by ethnicity (in 1,000s)
Post-baccalaureate enrollment numbers U.S. 1976-2021, by ethnicity
Number of post-baccalaureate students enrolled in the United States from 1976 to 2021, by ethnicity (in 1,000s)
Post-baccalaureate enrollment U.S. 1976-2031, by attendance type
Number of post-baccalaureate students enrolled in the United States from 1976 to 2031, by full/part-time attendance (in 1,000s)
Post-baccalaureate enrollment U.S. 1976-2031, by attendance type
Number of post-baccalaureate students enrolled in the United States from 1976 to 2031, by full/part-time attendance (in 1,000s)
Enrollment at leading universities in the United States 2022/23
Enrollment at leading universities in the United States in the 2022/23 academic year
Enrollment at leading universities in the United States 2022/23
Enrollment at leading universities in the United States in the 2022/23 academic year
10-year change in public four-year college enrollment U.S. 2010-2020, by state
10-year change in full-time equivalent student enrollment in public four-year higher education institutions in the United States from 2010 to 2020, by state
10-year change in public four-year college enrollment U.S. 2010-2020, by state
10-year change in full-time equivalent student enrollment in public four-year higher education institutions in the United States from 2010 to 2020, by state
Revenue of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions U.S. 2021/22
Revenue of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the United States in 2021/22, by source (in billion U.S. dollars)
Revenue of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions U.S. 2021/22
Revenue of public degree-granting postsecondary institutions in the United States in 2021/22, by source (in billion U.S. dollars)
Federal funds for postsecondary education in the U.S. 2022, by department
Federal funds for postsecondary education programs in the United States in 2022, by government department (in million U.S. dollars)
Federal funds for postsecondary education in the U.S. 2022, by department
Federal funds for postsecondary education programs in the United States in 2022, by government department (in million U.S. dollars)
Federal funds for research at U.S. universities 2021, by department
Federal funds for research programs at universities and related institutions in the United States in 2021, by government department (in million U.S. dollars)
Federal funds for research at U.S. universities 2021, by department
Federal funds for research programs at universities and related institutions in the United States in 2021, by government department (in million U.S. dollars)
U.S. 20 richest colleges in the U.S. FY 2023
The 20 richest colleges in the United States in fiscal year 2023, by endowment fund market value (in billion U.S. dollars)
U.S. 20 richest colleges in the U.S. FY 2023
The 20 richest colleges in the United States in fiscal year 2023, by endowment fund market value (in billion U.S. dollars)
Net revenue per student at U.S. public doctoral institutions 2010-2021
Average net tuition revenue received per FTE student at public doctoral institutions in the United States from 2010/11 to 2020/21 (in 2020 U.S. dollars)
Net revenue per student at U.S. public doctoral institutions 2010-2021
Average net tuition revenue received per FTE student at public doctoral institutions in the United States from 2010/11 to 2020/21 (in 2020 U.S. dollars)
Net revenue per student at U.S. private doctoral institutions 2010-2021
Average net tuition revenue received per FTE student at private nonprofit doctoral institutions in the United States from 2010/11 to 2020/21 (in 2020 U.S. dollars)
Net revenue per student at U.S. private doctoral institutions 2010-2021
Average net tuition revenue received per FTE student at private nonprofit doctoral institutions in the United States from 2010/11 to 2020/21 (in 2020 U.S. dollars)
Net revenue per student at U.S. private bachelor's institutions 2011-2022
Average net tuition revenue received per FTE student at private nonprofit bachelor's institutions in the United States from 2011/12 to 2021/22 (in 2021 U.S. dollars)
Net revenue per student at U.S. private bachelor's institutions 2011-2022
Average net tuition revenue received per FTE student at private nonprofit bachelor's institutions in the United States from 2011/12 to 2021/22 (in 2021 U.S. dollars)
Net revenue per student at U.S. public associate institutions 2010-2021
Average net tuition revenue received per FTE student at public associate institutions in the United States from 2010/11 to 2020/21 (in 2020 U.S. dollars)
Net revenue per student at U.S. public associate institutions 2010-2021
Average net tuition revenue received per FTE student at public associate institutions in the United States from 2010/11 to 2020/21 (in 2020 U.S. dollars)
U.S. - forecast for higher education outlays 2022-2033
Forecast for higher education outlays in the United States from 2022 to 2033 (in billion U.S. dollars)
U.S. - forecast for higher education outlays 2022-2033
Forecast for higher education outlays in the United States from 2022 to 2033 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Expenditure of public and private colleges and universities U.S. 1970-2020
Expenditure of public and private colleges and universities in the United States from 1970 to 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Expenditure of public and private colleges and universities U.S. 1970-2020
Expenditure of public and private colleges and universities in the United States from 1970 to 2020 (in billion U.S. dollars)
Education expenditure per student at U.S. private bachelor's institutions 2020-2021
Average education expenditure per FTE student at private nonprofit bachelor's institutions in the United States from 2020/11 to 2020/21 (in 2020 U.S. dollars)
Education expenditure per student at U.S. private bachelor's institutions 2020-2021
Average education expenditure per FTE student at private nonprofit bachelor's institutions in the United States from 2020/11 to 2020/21 (in 2020 U.S. dollars)
Education expenditure per student at U.S. private doctoral institutions 2010-2021
Average education expenditure per FTE student at private nonprofit doctoral institutions in the United States from 2020/11 to 2020/21 (in 2020 U.S. dollars)
Education expenditure per student at U.S. private doctoral institutions 2010-2021
Average education expenditure per FTE student at private nonprofit doctoral institutions in the United States from 2020/11 to 2020/21 (in 2020 U.S. dollars)
Education expenditure per student at U.S. public doctoral institutions 2010-2021
Average education expenditure per FTE student at public doctoral institutions in the United States from 2020/11 to 2020/21 (in 2020 U.S. dollars)
Education expenditure per student at U.S. public doctoral institutions 2010-2021
Average education expenditure per FTE student at public doctoral institutions in the United States from 2020/11 to 2020/21 (in 2020 U.S. dollars)
Education expenditure per student at U.S. public associate institutions 2010-2021
Average education expenditure per FTE student at public associate institutions in the United States from 2020/11 to 2020/21 (in 2020 U.S. dollars)
Education expenditure per student at U.S. public associate institutions 2010-2021
Average education expenditure per FTE student at public associate institutions in the United States from 2020/11 to 2020/21 (in 2020 U.S. dollars)
Average annual charges for higher education in the U.S. 1970-2023
Average annual charges per student for higher education in public and private institutions in the United States from 1970 to 2023 (in U.S. dollars)
Average annual charges for higher education in the U.S. 1970-2023
Average annual charges per student for higher education in public and private institutions in the United States from 1970 to 2023 (in U.S. dollars)
Attendance costs when studying in-state at U.S. universities, by state 2018/19
Average attendance cost when living on-campus and studying in-state at U.S. universities in 2018/19, by state (in U.S. dollars)
Attendance costs when studying in-state at U.S. universities, by state 2018/19
Average attendance cost when living on-campus and studying in-state at U.S. universities in 2018/19, by state (in U.S. dollars)
University tuition costs and fees U.S. 2000-2023
Average cost for tuition and required fees at all degree-granting postsecondary institutions* in the United States from 2000/01 to 2022/23 (in U.S. dollars)
University tuition costs and fees U.S. 2000-2023
Average cost for tuition and required fees at all degree-granting postsecondary institutions* in the United States from 2000/01 to 2022/23 (in U.S. dollars)
Annual tuition and fees at leading universities U.S. 2024/25
Annual tuition and fees for full-time students at leading universities in the United States in 2024/25 (in U.S. dollars)
Annual tuition and fees at leading universities U.S. 2024/25
Annual tuition and fees for full-time students at leading universities in the United States in 2024/25 (in U.S. dollars)
Average annual costs of attending a 4-year university U.S. 2000-2023
Average annual undergraduate tuition, fees, room, and board for full-time students in four-year postsecondary institutions in the United States from the academic year 2000/01 to 2022/23 (in U.S. dollars)
Average annual costs of attending a 4-year university U.S. 2000-2023
Average annual undergraduate tuition, fees, room, and board for full-time students in four-year postsecondary institutions in the United States from the academic year 2000/01 to 2022/23 (in U.S. dollars)
Average cost to attend a U.S. university 2013-2025, by institution type
Average annual cost to attend university in the United States from 2013/14 to 2024/2025, by institution type (in U.S. dollars)
Average cost to attend a U.S. university 2013-2025, by institution type
Average annual cost to attend university in the United States from 2013/14 to 2024/2025, by institution type (in U.S. dollars)
Room and board cost per year at U.S. universities 2000-2019
Average cost for room and board at U.S. universities per year from the academic year of 2000/01 to 2018/19 (in U.S. dollars)
Room and board cost per year at U.S. universities 2000-2019
Average cost for room and board at U.S. universities per year from the academic year of 2000/01 to 2018/19 (in U.S. dollars)
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