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Share of plant-based butter alternatives consumers in selected European nations 2021

Have you consumed plant-based butter alternatives in the last three months?

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Number of respondents


Age group

18-74 years

Method of interview

Online survey

Supplementary notes

Original survey question was phrased as follows: "Which of the following plant-based alternatives to animal-based products have you consumed in the past 3 months? (multiple)."
In all countries questions was posed in the native language.

*Number of respondents:

Germany - 1,039
Italy - 1,046
Sweden - 1,042
United Kingdom - 1,044

**Date of survey by country: Germany - 8th December to 15th December 2021
Italy - 8th December to 14th December 2021
Sweden - 8th December to 16th December 2021
United Kingdom - 8th December to 14th December 2021

For more information please visit the Global Consumer Survey home page and take a look at our methodology.

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