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Number of U.S. probationers who exited supervision 2020, by type of exit

Number of probationers who exited supervision in the United States in 2020, by type of exit

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Release date

December 2021


United States

Survey time period


Supplementary notes

* Includes probationers discharged from supervision who did not meet all conditions of supervision, including some with only financial conditions remaining, some who had their probation sentence revoked but were not incarcerated because their sentence was immediately reinstated, and other types of unsatisfactory exits. May include some early terminations and expirations of sentence reported as unsatisfactory exits.
** Includes probationers discharged from supervision through a legislative mandate because they were deported or transferred to the jurisdiction of Immigration and Customs. ***Includes probationers who were incarcerated for a new offense and those who had their current probation sentence revoked. Enforcement (ICE); transferred to another state through an interstate compact agreement; had their sentence dismissed or overturned by the court through an appeal; had their sentence closed administratively, deferred, or terminated by the court; were awaiting a hearing; were released on bond; and other types of exits.

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