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Urbanization: largest cities throughout history 7000BCE-2022

Population estimates for the world's largest city in the year it took this title (as well as the current location) from 7000 BCE until 2022 CE

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Survey time period

7000BCE to 2000CE

Supplementary notes

The source claims that this is a collection of estimates from four different researchers, and is not to be taken as a definitive list.

*For display purposes, a middle value has been given for estimate ranges. The source gives the following figures:
Jericho: 1,000-2,000
Çatalhöyük: 5,000-10,000
Eridu: 6,000-10,000
The source also states that Sravasta and Rajagriha (both in India) were the largest cities in 479BCE and 460BCE respectively, but does not give population estimates.

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