Kleine und Mittlere Unternehmen, Ressourcen und grüne Märkte 2011 - Anhang


This annex of the Flash Eurobarometer 342 contains a questionaire and data tables covering three core themes: resource efficiency, green markets and green jobs with a particular focus on SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises). In detail, the survey examined:
a) Actions to promote resource efficiency: present and future
b) Does it pay to be "clean and green"?
c) Environmental management systems: a tool enabling companies to improve their environmental performance
d) Do policies help companies to become resource efficient?
e) Using public procurement to stimulate resource efficiency in SMEs
f) Green markets: Profiles of the SMEs offering green products or services
g) What makes SMEs offer green products or services?
h) Can policy help SMEs to offer green products or services?
i) The number of jobs depending on green goods and services today and in 2014

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